Identify the right switch to turn on/off /


If your office has many electrical switches, you may be confused which one you should turn on. In ASEAN TSC we had been troubled by this problem.

However, we found a good solution for this issue by applying 5S (SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, SHITSUKE ), especially, SEITON ( organizing ) idea for this matter. We created switch maps that indicate the location of the electrical equipments in each room. If we follow the maps we can easily identify which one to turn on/off, and it results in saving the electricity cost of our office.

For example in ASEAN TSC Showroom there are many decorative lights and general lights. Before we made the maps, it was hard to identify the right switch.
After we introduced the maps, we can find the right switch easily.

Another example can be seen in the conference room, as the projector switch is close to the light switches, it used to be very confusing, but thanks to the map, we are no longer confused.

This is an idea we would like to share and recommend you to make your work place better and organized.

Ms. Ketsara Bualop