Leuna Chemical Site - Innovative strength for 100 years/

Topics LCPG Vol.73

The Leuna Chemical site celebrated 100 years of existence in March 2016.

The successful structural change of the Leuna combine created the largest interconnected and integrated chemicals site in Germany, which now employs about 9,000 people. Over 6 billion Euros have been invested since 1990. More than 100 companies from 10 nations work so closely together, particularly in grouping material flows and energies, that you would assume it were one single company. This is little short of a miracle, especially against the backdrop of the 100-year history.
Leuna´s concept has not only proven itself as a solid basis for trusting, mutually-beneficial collaboration of the chemical companies that work in Leuna. It has also proven itself to be the model for the restructuring of other chemical sites in Germany and throughout the world.

Dr. Angela Merkel entering Leuna´s famous Kulturhaus for her speech.

At the invitation of Dr. Christof Günther, managing director of InfraLeuna GmbH, German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel took part in the “100 Years of Leuna as a Site of Chemical Specialist.” She was accompanied by Dr. Reiner Haseloff, Minister-President of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. In her speech, the Federal Chancellor recognized the history of the chemical site of Leuna and the successful structural change.

Dr. Angela Merkel – The German chancellor congratulates to Leuna´s 100 years Birthday in person

Christof Günther added, “I am very pleased about the great appreciation that our chemical site is experiencing with the visit of the Federal Chancellor and more than 500 high-ranking guests which included representatives of each company operating in Leuna.

Representatives of LCP Leuna Carboxylation Plant
Managing Director Dr. Christoph Gossen
CFO Saori Fukunaga
Plant Manager Hans-Jürgen Jähme
Logistic Manager Katja Thoele

Amongst other LCP Leuna Carboxylation Plant GmbH as one of the manufacturing companies in Leuna were invited. Our Managing Director Dr. Christoph Gossen, Our CFO Saori Fukunaga, Our Plant Manager Hans-Jürgen Jähme and Logistic Manager Katja Thoele joined that important event for Leuna.
Even the most important 8-o clock News in Germany reported about the Leuna Birthday which shows the importance of this chemical site.

The German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel visits Leuna´s central control room.

Ms. Katja Thoele