Lüshun Railway Station –the station kept intact for a century /


Lüshun Railway Station is one of the oldest stations in the region, and had been kept intact for more than 100 years since its completion. It is located in the north part of China, Liaoning Province, and known for the straw hat-shaped roof, exquisite carvings of exotic charms and Russian style wooden building.

The station has been standing here as an observer of the region’s history. It was first constructed in 1898 for military use by tsarist Russia, who forcibly occupied Lüshun city, and was put into service in July 1903.
However, the Russo-Japanese war broke out soon after that, and the station was placed under Japanese military control. In 1945, it was taken over by Soviet army again, and in 1952, it was finally returned to China. In 1985, Since Lüshun Railway Station was admitted to have a great reference value in the study of architectural history; it was listed on the Cultural Heritage site of Dalian City.

There used to be two trains per day from Dairen to Lüshun until April 2014, but due to the decreasing number of passengers, the railroad between these stations are now used only for freight transport. 90 min. of leisurely travel on cozy European-style train has now become a memory of good old days.

To say goodbye to something always makes people sad, but the time never stops. Fortunately, Lüshun railway station is still here even after a century of hard time as if watching people in the city.

Ms. Tracy Zhang