• Working Together Toward Achievement of the Midterm Business Plan for FY2014-FY2016

  • Global Personnel Management System and Training

  • Introducing Technologies that Communicate Worksites: Innovation Show 2014

  • PCL 20th Anniversary Company Trip

Special News


Working Together Toward Achievement of the Midterm Business Plan for FY2014-FY2016

news 1

Global Personnel Management System and Training

news 2

Introducing Technologies that Communicate Worksites: Innovation Show 2014

news 3

Think Globally, Act Locally —CSR Report2014—

news 4

PCL 20th Anniversary Company Trip


PPC (Japan)

Farewell Gathering for Former President Hikoichi Konishi

PPC (Japan)

7th Safety Day Held —One day each year set aside for thinking more deeply about safety—

PPC (Japan)

Summer night festival in Fuji

PAPS,PMI (Singapore, India)

Self-introduction of a new member

PTM,PNL (China)

2014 PTM Family Safety Day

PTSL,PSL (China)

New staffs in PSL

PTW (Taiwan)


PAP (Malaysia)

PAP RUN 2014

PCL (Hong Kong)

PCL 20th Anniversary Company Trip

PMT (Thailand)

Farewell and Welcome for our Bosses

LCPG (Germany)

Germany wins Soccer World Championship

PKL (Korea)

Introducing a new employee at PKL


"Popular sports or sporting events in your town/country" 

PPC (Japan)

Do you know the sport of Lacrosse?

PAPS,PMI (Singapore, India)

“Cricket” it is not just a sport……

PCL (Hong Kong)

Do you like these sporting events ?

PMT (Thailand)

Thai Youth Athlete in 2014 Summer Youth Olympics

PTM (China)

Popular piazza dance and badminton

PTSL,PSL (China)

Most popular sport —table tennis

PSL branch SZ (China)

CUBA in China

PTW (Taiwan)

Popular Sports among the Youth - Basketball

PAP (Malaysia)

Table Tennis

LCPG (Germany)

Table tennis club “ESV Merseburg” won and moved up to 1st District league of Saxony-Anhalt

PKL (Korea)

A Popular Sport in Korea


The best shot of your trip part2

P-Mates Talk

How did you like this issue of P-Mates?

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