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CSR Activity at Jed Sao Noi water fall

For CSR activity, we went to build a mini dam (check dam) at Jed Sao Noi water fall in Saraburi province. Mini dam is a construction for water barrier that use for slope land. It protects flood by slow down a rapidly water when heavy rain and reserve sediment are not pile at the bottom of water fall also. This is the way to conserve land and water that match our main objective of CSR activity is contribute to our society and save the world.

On the date 21 May 2011, we started from Lake Rajada building (our office) to Jed Sao Noi water fall by coach. It took time around 2 hours arrived there. The forestry officers explained us the method of building mini dam or check dam. There are three kinds of mini dam. The first is natural check dam (temporary check dam) that the materials are rock and wood. It can be different material depend on community. The second is semi-natural check dam that the materials are cement and rock mix together, emphasize on strength and durable. The last is permanent or reinforce concrete check dam that the main purpose to maintain water for daily life consumption or agriculture.

We built mini dam as temporary check dam. The forestry officer took us to place that they prepared the materials. We stood in row that separated into 2 lines. The first line Mr. Takahashi was the front of the line and Mr. Tabata was the front of the second line. Mr. Hirose (our MD) was the last person in row of two lines. We passed rock by hand to hand from front to last line and put rock into water barrier which made from wood and bamboo. There were both small and big rocks, we continued until finished and out of rock pile. Building this dam should put small rock at the bottom, cover by bigger rock and wood on the top to hold on a mini dam. For this activity, we took time around 1 hour and 30 minutes that the forestry officer said to us “It was very fast due to you were be in harmony”. As our corporate philosophy Polyplastics-Family, PMT’s staffs keep good collaborate and harmonize. I believe that we can step through all problem or trouble.

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