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[Special Skills] Filmmaking

Hello everyone! I'm Yuji Tanikawa, joined Polyplastics in 2008. I'm a member of finance team for the Finance and Accounting Department. My main duties are processing payments according to payment slips received from departments, and verifying incoming payments.

I am part of the production department for the New Cinema Workshop, which is a workshop that is devoted to filmmaking. I am involved in actual film production as well as assisting with filmmaking. Our films are made on a tight budget and we typically rent venues to show our films, much like independent theater.
Right now, we are in preproduction for a neo-horror film that will be shot this summer. The other day, we had to make up a batch of fake blood in the bathtub, causing the tub to become stained red. We would be delighted if you could see one of our films.

Tomaranaikoto (Unstoppable) Gomen (Sorry)

My resume includes the films Tomaranaikoto and Gomen, as director and cinematographer respectively. Both works were screened at the Tokyo International Forum.

A TSC press conference was held

A press conference sponsored by TSC relating to the 'Development of Residual Stress Evaluation Technology for Plastic Molded Parts' was held on May 14, 2009 at the Polyplastics Co., Ltd. Headquarters.

A total of eighteen newspaper and magazine reporters gathered in the conference room.
Presiding over the conference was Mr. Kei Ibano, Corporate Communications Manager of General Administration Department. And, Mr. Ryuichi Sekita, Managing Executive Officer, Mr. Yoshihisa Tajima, Chief of Technical Solution Center, Dr. Masahiro Kada, Senior Researcher and Mr. Kazuki Ooi, Researcher, from TSC took the rostrum.
First, Mr. Sekita greeted those in attendance, after which Mr. Ooi gave the presentation.

Mr. Ryuichi Sekita, Managing Executive Officer Press Conference

Polyplastics Co., Ltd. has studied "residual stress in plastic molded parts" which is a cause of defects in molded products, and has developed for the first time a residual stress measurement method for crystalline polymers that is both simple and quantitative.

Our company has for the first time developed a method for evaluating residual stress distribution of crystalline polymers in which a Hole-Drilling Method, which is used in the field of evaluating metals, is applied, and a sequential calculation method is used. (For DURACON® M90-44)

The development of this evaluation technology can be applied by part manufacturers in a wide range of fields such as shape design of plastic molded parts, manufacturing, secondary processing, failure analysis, and can contribute to solving customer problems.
This press conference was covered by eight newspapers and four Web media.

It is also scheduled for future coverage in technical journals and the like.

2009 Tree Planting to Commemorate Employees' Coming of Age

This year, seven employees who joined Polyplastics in FY2007 celebrated the traditional "coming of age" for those turning 20 years of age in the past year, reaching the age of majority in Japan. To commemorate the occasion, the company held a tree planting ceremony at the Fuji Plant under sunny April skies. A fragrant orange-colored olive tree was planted at the edges of the factory grounds along with a commemorative marker, with upper management also attending the splendid ceremony. The newly declared adults were presented with a commemorative gift and spoke about their goals, including one employee who declared, "I will work hard to become a contributing member of the company." It was an occasion to look forward to the future contributions of young employees who will lead Polyplastics in the future.

Meet the New Members of the P-Mates Editorial Staff

My name is Yoshio Nishi of the Research Planning Group, and I recently joined the P-Mates editorial team. I became an employee of Polyplastics in April 1988 and worked at the TSC (then Technical Service Center) and RDC, before assuming a position in research planning starting from October 2002. My duties include overall administration of research projects as well as coordination and communication of future needs, and planning related to education and training.

I have been a resident of the Fuji area for more than 20 years, since moving here from my hometown of Hakata, Kyushu. It has become part of my lunch break routine to go for a walk while taking in the view of Suruga Bay and the Izu Peninsula. Every now and then, some of the local Fuji dialect will slip into my speech, which reminds me of how long I have been here. My wife laughs and says that I have become a local of Shizuoka Prefecture. Through P-Mates, I hope to present topics that are of interest to our readers. Thank you and best regards.

My name is Makiko Watanabe and I am a new member of the P-Mates editorial team. I have been with the Research Planning Group since November 2007. My responsibilities include distributing email newsletters to the employees of the Research and Development Division and Intellectual Property Department.

Although I often relax at home on my days off, my interests include traveling. Despite speaking very little English, I once spent a month and a half crossing Canada by bus, traveling from the east coast to west coast. This was about seven years ago. Since I was relying solely on a guidebook, I ended up getting lost a few times, but each time some helpful locals would come to my rescue. My greatest memory is meeting other individuals who were also traveling solo. I am looking forward to interacting with people from many different countries through P-Mates.

Dear all,
Hi, my name is Erina Endoh. I just become the new editor of P-Mates.
I joined Polyplastics in April 2009, graduated from university. I was assigned to General Administration Department, and working as a member of Corporate Communications and CSR team. I'm still unexperienced at my job, but I hope to send many messages about our companies, especially about HAPPY news. I'll make every effort to stand on my own feet.
I've never traveled to other companies, but I hope that I can go to meet all of you sometime. Let's eat something delicious and talk a lot with big smiles!!

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