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Firecrackers Made Its First Appearance after more than 30 years
  Thousands of Singaporeans crowded Chinatown on 3rd January evening to see the Lunar New Year light-up, for the biggest attraction was the firing of 10,000 firecrackers. It was the first time in more than 30 years that firecrackers have been used at such a celebration. Firecrackers were banned in Singapore in 1972. Before the ban, it was the Chinese custom to light up firecrackers during Lunar New Year to welcome the arrival of the new year. Every Chinese household would sling a role of firecrackers over their flatfs corridor parapet before lighting it up.

However, due to the number of accidents caused by firecrackers, the Singapore Government imposed a partial ban in 1970. The ban was imposed after 6 people were killed, 68 injured and S$350,000 worth of damage to properties was incurred as a result of explosions and fires caused by firecrackers. But despite of the partial ban, 9 people were injured during the Chinese New Year period in 1971. 2 policemen were also attacked when they tried to stop a group pf people firing firecrackers unlawfully. In June 1972, the Government implemented the Dangerous Fireworks Act and imposed a total ban on firecrackers. Those caught letting off firecrackers will face a penalty of a fine or imprisonment.

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