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An Unforgettable Trip

As the SARS had gone away in June, the following summer vocation was warmly anticipated, not only by the children, but also by all of adults. We could hardly wait to step out and re-experience the unconfined and wonderful life again. Where 's the most attractive place in Taiwan during the hot summer season? Together with four colleagues' families, first we chose to visit the Forest Recreation Park of Great Snow Mt., above the sea level of 2600 meters in central Taiwan. It's famous for the magnificent Sea of Clouds at dawn and before sunset, and all kinds of flowers flourished everywhere. We enjoyed our beer, Oolong tea and coffee among the cypress forest, under the cool and fresh atmosphere of 18 degree Celsius. After dinner, as we sat or lay down on the grass field, gazing at the clear milky way blinking in the sky, the childhood memory came to mind again. Surprising yells let out each time while unexpected meteors swept over the dark sky. What a wonderful night!
We bounded for our second journey, Sun-Moon Lake, the Holy Lake of the aborigines village living on one side of it. Once this region was the most popular honeymoon location in Taiwan. Since the lodging hotel just stood near the port, we could easily access the whole view of beautiful scenery from the hotel window. The blue sky cast and the mountains reflected on the jade-like colorful water, ornamented with the tourist boats. It took about 3 hours for the tourist boat ride around the lake, with three stops at sightseeing points. In addition, the children were lucky enough to get the permission to drive the tourist boat in the leisure Monday morning. Itfs again another fully relaxing day.

We bounded for our second journey, Sun-Moon Lake, the Holy Lake of the aborigines village living on one side of it. Once this region was the most popular honeymoon location in Taiwan. Since the lodging hotel just stood near the port, we could easily access the whole view of beautiful scenery from the hotel window. The blue sky cast and the mountains reflected on the jade-like colorful water, ornamented with the tourist boats. It took about 3 hours for the tourist boat ride around the lake, with three stops at sightseeing points. In addition, the children were lucky enough to get the permission to drive the tourist boat in the leisure Monday morning. Itfs again another fully relaxing day.

Enjoying sunny and natural scenery with good colleagues is certainly unforgettable. Are you touched? Join us!

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