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1. Introduction of New Employees

Look at this photo, one handsome guy among 4 pretty ladies. Who are they? They are the new employees joining PTSL recently, Ms. Helen Shi ? Accountant in Accounting & Tax Department, Ms. Minmay Gu ? Administration Assistant in HR & GA Department, Mr. Peter Jin ? Sr. Logistics Administrator in Logistics Department, Ms. Joyce Shen and Ms. Tracy Dong ? Sales Assistants in the Sales Department (see photos ? from left to right). Mr. Wang Zhen Gang ? Sales Engineer in the Sales Department is also new in the company while absent for customer visit when taking the photos.

With PTSL business expansion, more and more new faces keep joining. We hope every one get their own career advanced at the same speed of the development of our business. Letfs give them a warm late-coming welcome to Polyplastics.

2. Komura San Visit to Shanghai

On August 4, 2003, Mr. Komura and Mr. Brock spared one evening from their busy business schedule for China visit to have a dinner party with all employees of PTSL.

The dinner party went pretty well, which offering a precious chance for employees to directly communicate with the senior management, voicing out their concerns and thoughts about life, market, business and whatever in a casual atmosphere. Meanwhile, through this communication, the senior management can deepen their understanding about the China market, our customer, and its employees in China.

We hereby post one of the photos taken in the dinner party to share with you the fun we ever enjoyed.

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