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1. You look real fine in that casual clothes !

The summer of 2003 in the Tokyo area saw real fears of a power shortage due to the effects of nuclear power plant shutdowns resulting from fraudulent maintenance reporting on the part of the regional utility. Part of the reason behind the danger of a power shortage is the peak in electricity consumption attained on weekday afternoons as office air conditioners draw on the grid in the faced of intense heat. Therefore, the need to refrain from air conditioner use in the workplace in order top save electricity was heightened.
Here, Polyplastics instituted business casual (no necktie) days at its Tokyo headquarters, Osaka and Nagoya branch offices, and Sendai and Shinshu marketing offices between the normally hottest period of July 16 through to September 15, and encouraged a light dress code with the objective of saving energy. This was only limited to work within the company, and the practice of wearing business shirts, neckties, and suits was liberalized within the confines of what is considered suitable dress for the work place, and light dress was encouraged. Once the business casual day started, one could often observe employees hurriedly tying their ties in preparation for customer visits, and sometimes one was moved to think. "Does such clothing exist?!" but for the most part, there were no major problems, our employees actually enjoyed casual day, and one could indeed say that everyone as able to concentrate on their work.
Looking back, the summer in this year was a record cool one, and the number of midsummer days in Tokyo when the temperature exceeded 30°C was only about 60% of the 38.4 days experienced in the average year. Although it varied according to the region, the average sunshine variation was less than 70% of the average year, and rather than intense heat, days which were not typical summers ones and which were easy to endure continued one after the other. As a result, a power shortage problem was avoided primarily because of the effects of this cool summer, but one outcome states that the energy conservation effects of various companies made a 2% contribution to reducing overall demand
Whether a power shortage emerges in the future or not, the importance of electricity conservation will not disappear when one thinks of global warming and cost issues. We would like to see each individual refrain from using unnecessary electricity, or more electricity than really needed within reason, and thus advance the cause of power conservation.

Reported by Takayuki Koike, personnel Dept.

Mr.Koyu Fujio,General Manager,Personnel Dept.   Staff Members, Personnel Dept.
Staff Members, Logistic Center.   Staff Members, General Admistration Dept.
Staff Members, Sales and Marketing    


2. New P-Mate Reporter in Japan

Hello. How do you do? I am Fumitoshi Asano from the production department's Polymer Group at the Fuji Plant. Before I knew it, I was appointed as new "P-Mates Reporter". I joined Polyplastics four years ago, and currently, I work as a POM technical staff member. Having said that, I only joined the POM team six months ago, and being surrounded by veteran staff, I feel very much short on study.
My hobbies have recently disappeared, the reason being that my child was born one year ago, and once I am home, I have to look after the child and help with the housework every day. Looking after a child and not being able to take my eyes (and hands) off him is probably a hobby I can only enjoy now. In any case, it can't be helped as the child is so cute. When I am feeling down, looking at his smiling face calms my heart, and I naturally start to smile as well. While watching my child who grows to a surprising extent every day, I often reflect on the fact that I am not growing anymore. Well I am really the doting parent, but in any case, I look forward to continuing working with you

3. An international meeting for Web-related issues was convened at the Tokyo headquarters in late August.

An international meeting for Web-related issues was convened at the Tokyo headquarters in late August. Meeting were held by the Group Web Site Management Team on August 20 and 21, and the Web Marketing Promotion Team on the afternoon of August 21, while the venue shifted to the Osaka branch office for the Web Inquiry Management Team meeting on August 22.
PPC members from Japan were joined by Yu Hongmei of PTSL and Cliff Chan of PCL.
The summer in Tokyo this year was a cool one, but accompanying the arrival of the overseas colleagues, it seemed like the traditional heat of summer gradually returned.
Discussions that could not be realized due to the effects of SARS could be concentrated on and implemented, and active discussions could also be held regarding topics outside of the scope of the actual meetings.
The Group Web Site team is making plans to enable convening of such international meetings and direct exchange of ideas on a regular basis every year.


4. August 2003 - Sony Green Partner Certification Gained

Polyplastics and its affiliate WinTech Polymer were recently certified as Green Partners as part of the Green Partner Environmental Quality Approval Program being promoted by Sony Corp. regarding materials procurement activities.
Our company recognizes that harmony between global environmental preservation and corporate activities is one of the most important issues for humankind in the 21st Century, and with this, we have already introduced a corporate-wide environmental management system, and been awarded the international standard of ISO 14001 certification.
Approving of the idea of Sony's Environmental Vision, in order to offer products that take into consideration the environment, we will support environmental management based on source management that conducts environmental quality management for all processes, starting with the raw material stage and extending to product shipment.
We will continue to strive for further improvements, including from our suppliers, as a top supplier of engineering plastics in the future, and as a Green Partner-certified company of Sony, actively promote activities to improve environmental quality improvement.

Certificate of Green Partner
Polyplastics Co.,Ltd.
  Certificate of Green Partner
WinTech Polymer Ltd.
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